Statement of Faith
- We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God and is authoritative and infallible in the original writings.
- We believe in one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
- We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of God the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory.
- We believe that faith in our Lord Jesus Christ is essential for the salvation of lost and sinful man.
- We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit, by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life.
- We believe in the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life.
- We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in Jesus Christ.
Ministry Distinctives
- We emphasize interdenominationalism. The main thing is to make the main thing the main thing. We are tolerant of a variety of beliefs and practices within the mainstream of Christian practice. Where there is excess, we seek to be a force for moderation.
- We emphasize the unity of the body of Christ. We are ministers of reconciliation. We seek to bring pastors and churches together in ministry. We do not exalt certain gifts, but we understand the body of Christ needs them all to be balanced.
- We emphasize partnership through the local church. The local church is God’s vehicle for discipleship. We seek to work through it. We connect short term missions groups with local churches around the world to further establish the Kingdom of God.
- We mobilize and make disciples. At our core, we are a discipleship organization. We desire for God to use us to raise up a generation of radically committed disciples of Christ and send them out to the nations. We believe this is our part in fulfilling the Great Commission. We understand Jesus did not call us to get people to say a prayer but to enter into a lifestyle. We balance boldness with love. We look for opportunities to be witnesses, but we seek to ensure follow-up.
- We emphasize listening prayer. We believe God wants to communicate with us daily in a personal way. We ask, listen, and obey, asking God for guidance, listening for His response, and obeying Him to the best of our ability. When He says go, we go. When He says stay, we stay. We believe intimacy with the Father enhances the ability to recognize His voice: “My sheep know my voice” (John 10:27).
- We emphasize the church without walls. We go to those needing ministry rather than expecting them to come to us. The Church is not a building or a denomination.
- We emphasize ministry to the poor, the oppressed, and the hopeless. Our ministry focus is on the lost sheep that society shuns. In a given city, we will go to that darkest and most hopeless place first.
- We innovate and fail fast. At Adventures we keep a fast-paced environment that stays in sync with the changes going on in our world. We are constantly innovating to improve our programs and organization. When we fail, we fail fast, fix our mistakes, and move on.
- We empower people to go and grow something. Our programs intentionally empower participants to be part of something that matters. We want to cultivate long-term, global change in people and projects that will continue long after our work is done. We have a kingdom-of-God paradigm that is bigger than just the reach of our ministry, and we encourage participants to adopt the same mindset.
- We put people before projects. As a discipleship organization, we highly value people. Although projects are necessary and exciting, we make decisions with people as our primary concern. All projects should empower the people working on them as well as benefit those included in them.
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