Adventures in Missions is an interdenominational missions organization that focuses on discipleship. We emphasize prayer and relationships in our work around the world.
Since we were established in 1989, we have taken over 160,000 people into the mission field, some for as short as a week and others for as long as a year or longer. We minister year-round through our ministry bases and strategic ministry partnerships. We believe that by giving people the opportunity to step outside their comfort zones and join what God is doing in other cultures and nations, lives are transformed.
We seek to disciple as Jesus did; our vision is that God would use us to raise up a generation of radically committed disciples of Jesus Christ.
Whether you’ve heard about us from a friend, know someone who went on missions with us, or simply searched the web for a missions organization, we’re glad that you’re here!
You want to follow in Jesus’s example in the way he cared for the lost and the hurting. You want to take up Jesus’s commission to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28) and be his witness to the ends of the earth (Acts 1).
We want to mobilize people to missions as a means of discipleship, and we’ve been at it for over twenty years. We want to help you mobilize and disciple others.
Thank you for checking us out and considering partnership with us. The body of Christ stretches so much further than we could ever imagine and we’re privileged to partner with the members of his body all over the world. We hope to join with you in this adventure!
The mission of Adventures is to deeply connect people to Jesus and his movement. Their goal is to train 100,000 disciple makers focused on fulfilling the Great Commission. Adventures has ministry training centers around the world that are focused on making that goal a reality.
To move toward the fulfillment of the vision, Seth also founded the World Race in 2005. The World Race provides trained teams of young adults the opportunity to engage in 11 international mission contexts in 11 months using an experiential, missional discipleship model. Adventures emphasizes listening prayer, relationships, and servanthood in their work amongst the poor. Both through ministry/training centers and World Race ministry teams, Adventures maintains an active presence in a number of African countries. In addition to overseeing Adventures in Missions, Seth is a speaker, author, and prolific blogger.
Seth is married to Karen. They have five children and nine grandchildren.
1 John 2:6 says that we should walk as he walked. Which leaves us to ask the question, “How did he walk?” A few observations:
At AIM, we’re trying to help young people discover the journey that Jesus has on offer to his disciples.
We want to help reconnect the church to these original ideas of disciple-making and missions. It’s the pearl of great price Jesus talks about. We are committed to fight for it.
We develop Christ-following leaders to be the change this world needs.
We do this by showing disciples how to walk as Jesus trained his disciples to walk using his methods.
To restore Jesus‘s model of discipleship to the modern church.
Isaiah 58 teaches us that God desires to use us as his hands and feet to touch those who are hurting.
1 John 2:6* says *the one who says that he remains in Him should walk just as He walked.
Matt. 10 teaches us that God desires intimacy and asks us to throw away our spiritual crutches in order to learn that he is enough. He does this by sending us and providing for us.
2 Timothy 2:2 teaches us the importance of disciple making. If Jesus took three years with his own disciples, we need to be prepared to invest at least that long to plant faith deeply in them. We can’t rush the disciple-making process. We need to continue to pour into disciples until they are reliable and able to pour into others.
Acts 1:8 teaches us Jesus’ strategy for taking over the world, beginning with our own backyard, and progressing to the ends of the earth. Sustainable faith requires church-planting and missions.
Accountability for the resources that God has entrusted Adventures in Missions begins first of all with our awareness that those who share their time, money, and prayers with Adventures view us as stewards. We know that God sees and weighs the merits of our every action. The parable of the master and the wise steward applies to each of us. It is therefore our objective to listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all that we do, particularly in the larger decisions that we make.
Given man’s frailty and inherent corruptibility, checks and balances are necessary. We have put such mechanisms in place to make a statement that Adventures staff want to be above reproach in all that they do. Our own board of directors meets regularly to review the direction and performance of the ministry.