
a beautiful process

I sit here staring at a blinking cursor and wonder how I can possibly write how I'm feeling.
And there's really nothing I can say.
Maybe I'll just mention a few little moments I don't want to forget.

Little Sam laying on me and laughing during Mary Poppins.

"Following along" in the Khmai hymnal with my sista during devotions.

The 3 year olds face during The Little Mermaid and Tarzan and the pure joy it brought.

Slip-n-slide on the balcony.

Storm watching.

The girl's genuine concern, care, and hand holding when I was sick.

Doing dished with the dish crew!

The little girl's game of running across the kitchen into my arms repeatedly.

Rat hunting with the team.

The girl's attempting to make raccoon eyes.

Seeing Phnom Penh at night, and what a different world it is, and processing through the things I saw.

Dancing in the rain.

Sleepover nights and listening to giggling!!

The tickle fight under the devotions table.

Our feet washing night last night, and the emotional wave it brought down, and everything that we experienced.

I really don't know how to put into words what we've experienced here.
And I know it will take me time to process when I'm back home. While here, I'm very present, and it's hard to even wrap my mind around the fact that I've been in Cambodia with these girls for 2 months already. I'm praying through the journey home, and just processing everything that I've seen, said, heard, and experienced.
The process is just as important at the end product, and the trip has been all about the process.
I am so excited to see the girls, my sisters, again in Heaven when we will all stand together and worship in the same language, smiling, if possible even brighter that they already do.

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