
Adventures in Missions at Catalyst

Months of preparation came to fruition this past weekend as a team of Adventures in Missions staff and volunteers unveiled a “Social Justice and the Gospel” experience at Catalyst in Atlanta, Georgia. 

The tent highlighted a four part Gospel : Creation, Fall, Redemption, and Restoration while focusing on four main social justice issues that darken our world : poverty, orphans, water, and slavery. The tent walked participants through both a Creation and Fall experience and then offered an opportunity to connect with twelve different organizations who are making a difference in social justice issues around the world. Organizations such as NURU, Compassion International, Hello Somebody and International Justice Mission were housed along with Adventures in Missions as a part of the Redemption and Restoration experience. 
Thousands of Catalyst attendees had the opportunity to connect with people who are making a difference in the world in a variety of ways and learned how they might get involved. 
While at Catalyst, the Adventures team launched a World Racer from the Catalyst stage on Thursday morning. Brandon Boyd left from the event for his 11-month trek around the world, but not before interacting with conference attendees and sharing about the adventure he has just set out on. Brandon will be the featured Catalyst Racer [@catalystracer] during his 11-month journey. He and his squad mates are in Antigua, Guatemala where they begin ministry this week.  
Check out our backstage interview at Catalyst!

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