As missionaries we often hear "Why, what's the point?" Is it for more passport stamps, to play with kids, to see the world? Or as we believe, is it to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, and heal the sick? Passporter, Brittany Starr went through the same questioning, and you might be surprised at what she discovered.
I get that question a lot, [why], but apart from God it's all just humanitarian aid. In the words of our contact Paul, "God is what makes missionaries different…"
So, that being said, what is the point of being a missionary?
To bring God's glory to the ends of the earth.
John Piper wrote in his book, Desiring God, "Missions exist because worship doesn't."
Ouch. So you mean missions doesn't exist for me to do good things so I feel better about myself? You even mean to say the primary purpose of missions ISN'T to save people?
Yep. That's exactly what that means. Missions exists primarily to bring God's glory, because WE exist solely to bring God glory. While that is a hard truth to swallow, it is SO beautiful when you start to unpack it in the context of God's character.
In God's grace and love, one of the ways we bring him glory IS by loving on people and by sharing his gospel for their salvation. And what is super cool about this is that God doesn't expect us to save the world single handedly. In fact, he doesn't want us to even try. God created us for community and for dependence on Him. The way that plays out in his plan for salvation is through discipleship.
Jesus commanded in Matthew 28:19-20, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."
What's great about this verse, other than that it's Christ's living words to all believers, is that in the Greek "go" and "therefore" literally means "as you are going." This means that discipleship isn't meant to be something you construct, something you plan out, or some model you have to follow. Discipleship is meant to be organic, and it means it can happen in a bunch of ways.
It can happen by making pancakes, and breaking bread, with people who don't have anything to eat; by sharing bible stories with the native language; by playing soccer with kids.
Whatever means you choose, sharing the gospel and Christ's truth is what is important.
What's really important to realize is that every one of these things can be done in YOUR country, in YOUR city, and in YOUR neighborhood. Being a missionary isn't reserved solely for overseas; we are commanded (not suggested) to make disciples as we are going.
Does this require sacrificing our time? Yes. Does this require actually putting forth the effort to invest in others, even when they resist our attempts or reject our love? You better believe it.
But, as Paul so eloquently wrote, "Thanks be to God, who in Christ always leads us in triumphal processions, and through us spreads the fragrance of the knowledge of him everywhere." (2 Cor. 2:14)
God isn't setting us up for failure. He desires that ALL shall be saved (1 Timothy 2:4), but more importantly, that his glory is spread everywhere.
The point of being a missionary is to bring God's glory to the nations, by making disciples as we are living our lives. Who are you discipling for the kingdom, and God's glory? Where are you going?