Giving Categorie: Programs

Missionary Care Fund

Our stateside staff in the long-term missions department are committed to providing quality pastoral care for our staff overseas. This includes trips to the field, help with the cost of counseling and debriefing for our cross-cultural workers, access to various resources, and a biannual retreat for those working overseas. Good member care contributes substantially to sustainability on the field.

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Church Planting

Support the crucial work of planting churches in unreached areas. Many people will hear the good news about Christ’s atoning death and the freedom of a life lived with Jesus as a result of your generous giving.

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Parent Ministry

We support and encourage the parent journey as your child participates on mission. We help link you with Adventures in Missions, each other, and God’s work throughout the world, in addition to giving a forum to answer your questions.

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Disaster Relief Efforts

We’ve organized thousands of people in response to disasters all across the world, collaborating with local churches and ministries to witness physical and spiritual restoration in people’s most desperate times. Relief operations provide an excellent chance to communicate the message of hope that we have in Christ. We do small demolition and physical rehabilitation work, the primary focus is on people.

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Pastor Sponsorship

Support local pastor training and sending. These pastors go into unreached areas where it would be difficult to send missionaries. This is high impact work as many people will have heard about Jesus for the first time in part because of your generous donations.

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Beauty for Ashes

Beauty for Ashes is a movement that invites women to the freedom that God intended for them. We establish safe spaces where people may tell their stories, make relationships, and receive grace. Beauty for Ashes is a program as well as an event in which we will take women through their stories, utilizing the Holy Spirit and community to bring healing to places that have not yet been brought to light.

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