
Here it Goes Again

After reading over my past few blogs, I realized that I need to lighten up my topics and have a little bit of fun!  So, I thought I’d fill you all in on one of my tribe’s longstanding jokes… the Guat-Squat.  What is the Guat-Squat you may ask?  Well, it’s that burning sensation when you just have to go!  It is often the result of one too many choco-bananas, a few too many french-fries from Pollo Express, or that yummy but oh-so-dangerous street ice cream.  I am fairly certain that each member of our tribe has gotten the Guat-Squat at least once; and some of us who are a bit less fortunate have felt that burning sensation for days on end.

After filling you all (or y’all as ALL of my teammates say) in on that exciting topic, my prayer request today is for the overall health of my teammates and myself.  We trust that God is the Great Physician and can heal all things, and we believe that your prayers have the power to guard our stomachs against anything harmful that may enter our bodies.  Thank you in advance for your prayers that will spare us of future Guat-Squat adventures.

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