
Jesus: The Wasted Missionary?

Three years. Three short years of the thirty-three Jesus walked on this earth were spent in ministry – seems short doesn’t it? But those years echoed through eternity with the most lasting significance. Writer, Andrew Hawkes’s describes Jesus as “a long-term missionary who used a short-term mission strategy.”

Christ immersed himself long-term by joining humanity as a man and then used short-term tactics to start the greatest revolution in our history – the expansion of the Gospel. His example is proof that Short Term Missions (STMs) are not only beneficial, but also essential to fulfilling The Great Commission.

It is the most biblical model of missions we have. So what’s wrong with following his example?

In our modern world, flashes of TV, music, and art influence us everyday. The affect undiminished by the seconds it takes to absorb the message.

In the same way, short-term mission trips can bring about great change in a small amount of time, creating lasting impressions.

So who benefits from short-term mission trips? Everyone.

Whether this is your first step into a mission field or you consider yourself a seasoned expert, STMs have benefits for everyone.

STMs provide an opportunity to live and share your faith in other cultures.

STMs offer spiritual growth through serving and meeting greater needs.

STMs allow a unique perspective on the urgency of salvation and the spread of the Good News, the Gospel of Grace. 

Still wondering if Jesus was a wasted missionary? Consider this. Out of the few followers Christ had gained when he left, it only took one to spread His story. One to go. One to hear. Then consider that the greatest revolution our history has ever known started from those few. So was Jesus’ mission work wasted? No, and your work won’t be either.

Wonder if you’re the one they’ve been waiting for? Feel a stir somewhere in the pit of your stomach? Have a wanderlust flutter in your heart?

Click here to find the right trip for you, your youth group, or your family!