Hello from Cambodia!
Well, our team moved locations in Battambang and we’re getting to know each other much better as we are now sharing beds:) I think my roommate is enjoying waking up to me cuddled up next to her, drooling on her shoulder! But honestly, this move was completely intentional on God’s part. Right outside our front door is a whole lot of need and it’s amazing what we see and experience every night we go out to pray for the city. Undeniably, God is at work “binding up the brokenhearted…freeing the captives…releasing the prisoners from darkness…comforting those who mourn and providing for those who grieve” (Isaiah 61). What blows my mind is that God wants to include me in unveiling His justice, His power and His love.
Today was a sweet day—in fact, this week was pretty incredible. I hit a wall last week processing all the thoughts I have about sex-trafficking, government systems and laws, poverty, leaders who abuse their power, and the ignorance (sometimes intentional ignorance) of those who have the power to change it. Everyday, God encourages me to be a part of that change—even though I begged God to send me somewhere that I could be part of His plan to bring justice into other people’s lives, I still fight it sometimes. Sometimes I feel like with every step I take forward, I take two steps backwards. Or I begin to doubt my ability, intelligence, or skills to actually have a lasting impact in someone’s life. It’s a pathetic place to be.
But, I am happy that I am no longer in that place—I feel much more joy this week. Not much has changed except my perspective. God has filled me up with truth after truth, word after word, of His promises, His hope, and His encouragement—so that I may prepare my mind for action, because He didn’t create me to sit in despair. I have been bombarded by verses of joy, victory, hope, love, forgiveness, redemption, grace, praise, healing, restoration and justice. This, is a beautiful and sweet place to be—right in the presence of God. In His reassuring presence, I found my feet again and He has propelled me into action. I’m in motion.
I know that I may fall into a place of discouragement again, but I know what I have to do now:
But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.
My mouth will tell of your righteousness,
of your salvation all day long,
though I know not its measure.
I will come and proclaim your mighty acts,
O Sovereign Lord;
I will proclaim your righteousness,
yours alone.
My lips will shout for joy
when I sing praise to you—
I, whom you have redeemed.
–Psalm 71