
Reaching the top of my volcano

What did we do this weekend?

We went on a 14 mile hike.

On a HUGE volcano.

At 5 in the morning.


Exercise and silence with 19 people at 5 am is not exactly my idea of fun, but nonetheless I ended up there…and I am actually glad I did it.


Considering this would be such a huge challenge for me and it was exactly one month from my Uncle Dan’s next brain surgery, I decided I would do it for him. He was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease just a few years ago and has been one of the most encouraging and inspiring people I have ever met. So, I threw on my “Find the cure” t-shirt and went for it. Every time I felt like giving up I had the shirt as a reminder to keep going.


I’ll be honest, it was miserable.

What God taught me was that just like the volcano:

 Life is hard, but Jesus’ burden is light.


I have had a rough year of trying to figure out why God didn’t heal my mom, but as I made the last 15 minutes of the hike I started to receive one of the most encouraging revelations of my life.


His healing is so much greater than anything I could ever imagine.

He is faithful. He keeps his promises. He loves me.

And no matter what He will always help you reach the top of your “volcano”.


Uncle Dan, I love you. 

“For I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us” Romans 8:18

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