Seth Barnes exposes some major misconceptions about short-term missions, explains why going a mission trip is a privilege as well as a responsibility, and gives some practical advice for youth group mission trips:
Misconception #1 Everyone should have a shot at going on a project.
FACT: Missions has always been a privileged calling. Only in recent years have entire youth groups gone on missions projects. Such an approach devalues the experience. Youth leaders should establish criteria that allow group members to self-select. Those whose hearts aren’t in it should be left behind.
Misconception #2 Only a select few should go on a project.
FACT: Some set an arbitrary limit on numbers based on finances available. If God calls your youth to the field, let Him find a way to pay for it.
Misconception #3 As the youth leader, I have to go on the project to make it a success.
FACT: You’re not indispensable. If you’ve developed solid lay leadership, consider trusting them with the job of running your project. Doing this frees you up to sponsor several projects in a given summer, one for more advanced students, and one for entry-level students.
Misconception #4 Projects need to cost a lot to be worthwhile.
FACT: The average entry-level project should not cost more than about $300 plus transportation. Taking your students to Russia for $3000 the first time out of the gate gives us all a black eye. It’s simply poor stewardship of scarce missions dollars. It gives ammunition to those who want to call a halt to the flood of student missionaries.
Misconception #5 I can do projects more cheaply on my own.
FACT: Your time is money just like anybody else’s time. The hours you spend setting up a missions project are hours you take away from ministering to your students. Your church is paying you to do ministry not to do logistics.
Misconception #6 Work camps are short-term missions projects.
FACT: Many are really more of a hybrid camp/missions project. They often pose little cross-cultural challenge, little socio-economic challenge, and little spiritual challenge. That’s not to minimize the good they do. However a good short-term mission trip produces a high incidence of life change because of its corresponding high level of spiritual challenge.
Misconception #7 U.S. projects should always be alternated with overseas projects.
Balinas recounts how this difference surfaced: “The other group did VBS in a nearby Texas town in the morning, took the afternoons off, and held revival services in an Anglo church each evening. Our students crossed the Mexican border into a different culture, country and world on a daily basis.They were confronted with poverty like they had never seen before.
“They had to confront the person in the mirror daily as to their own selfishness, greed, and laziness. They had to give thanks to God for the grace of the situation they found themselves in at home. Our group was never the same! The other group, also had a good time. But they were slack-jawed as they met our students at the start of school that fall and shared experiences.”
Understanding the misconceptions about mission trips is an important step in selecting the one that’s most appropriate for your group.