
So It begins

Warning! The following blog could possibly make absolutely no sense because I simply have so much going on in my head right now that there is no way I can piece it all together and make any sort of sense, so Im sorry in advance. At training camp I was blown away by God. I was not looking forward to training camp at all, I was ready to go go go to Guatemala, But wow already I have learned so much about myself and all of Gods crazy love. Its amazing to be completely surrounded by people who love unconditionally , who don't care about how others view them and just want to love people through God. I have learned all new ways to praise and worship God. Some of the things that we have done here including making our own shelter and sleeping outside as a team. Which was very interesting because I didn't have a sleeping bag ,only a sheet and a blanket. We also went to the waterfall which was beautiful! We went on a great hike and are painting a huge canvas to represent our team. Its been a crazy ride, and its only been a few days! We leave for Guatemala tomorrow. LETS GO! 🙂

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