I've grown a lot during these past 8 weeks; constantly blown away at the majesty of God and in awe of His goodness. My eyes have been opened, my heart has been broken, and my thoughts never ending. God is doing some pretty amazing things in my life, I'm humbled by this. A few weeks ago, I was given the opportunity to preach at the center we are working at, about Gods greatest gift-His Love. I emphasized, the only way to feel whole and worthy is by giving yourself to God– by doing that, you no longer live by what the world calls you, but by what the creator of the universe not only calls you, but made you to be.
Many are looking for love in the wrong places. Many are looking to be satisfied by the wrong things. Many are worshipping statues or gods that will never fill them, and will eventually crumble. Many are living by earthly standards and creating definitions of themselves that hold no truth.
We crave certain things, we crave certain feelings, and we crave attention. It's natural. God made us with those wants; He made us for the longing of love. That love is to be filled and given by and to Him. By looking for love in temporary things, it is very unfortunate that love will never be found by some people.GOD IS LOVE, and until we look to Him to fill that need, we will never know what LOVE is. We will never know what satisfaction is. I don't want the people I love to never be satisfied. I don't want loved ones, or anyone for that matter, to continue to look for hope, love and satisfaction in false gods and/or people. That is NOT what our creator intended. That is NOT what we were made for.
You can continue to run after money, sex, drugs, alcohol, relationships, porn, false gods, high career positions, self-glorificatin, partying, worth, the american dream and sucess, but know you will be let down. Know you are headed for heart-ache. Know that you will be worn down to nothing and satisfaction won't be in reach. These things do not offer satisfaction, religion doesn't offer satisfaction, humans do not offer satisfaction. True worth and satisfaction come from a relationship with the true living God. Only in Him will you find a wholeness. Only in him will you be complete.
Jeremiah 10:6-16
10"But the Lord is the only true God. He is the everlasting King! The whole earth trembles at his anger. The nations cannot stand up to his wrath. Say this to those who worship other gods: 'Your so-called gods, who did not make the heavens and earth, will vanish from the earth and from under the heavens.'"
We are each given the opportunity to choose what it is we find satisfaction in; truth is, there is only ONE way to be FULLY satisfied.