
Upcoming Mission Trip Opportunities

“Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.'”
Therefore go. 
It’s a command, and it’s for all of us. All followers of Christ are commanded to go into the world and share the gospel with people who don’t know him. 
Going looks different for everyone, but we’re all supposed to do it. Going can mean moving to the other side of the world for the rest of your life, or going can mean sharing God’s love with the teller at the bank down the street.

If going for you means a short term mission trip, we can help make that happen. Adventures in Missions has short term trips for families, church groups, youth groups, and any other group who would like to go. 

Our new lineup of mission trips is now live on our website, and we invite you to check out the choices!
Adventures Encounter offers trips for adults 18 years and older to Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and North America. There are many locations and many times to go, and if you don’t see a trip that works for you, let us know and we’ll create a custom trip just for you.
Adventures Youth offers mission trips for youth groups. 6th-12th grade students can go to urban locations in the United States, rural locations in the States, and a variety of international locations around the world. Youth leaders can invest more of their time and energy preparing their students spiritually while we take care of the logistics of missions.
We believe that all Christians are called to missions, and we are called to help you get there. Whether you’re an individual, a group, a family, an adult, or a child, you CAN go on a mission trip this year!
So let us know, where do you want to go? Sound off in the comments section!