
What is a guanaba???

A guanaba is a type of tropical fruit….I just ate a guanaba float from an ice cream shop here. Yum! So we have been in Guatemala since Tuesday. When we were arriving by plane everything already looked so different from America. Mountains, so many different colors, and tin roofs. We took a really long but super beautiful and fun bus ride to Puerto Barrios, the city where we are staying. On the drive, our van’s tire blew out and so we formed a human circle and owed on the side of the road…it was super fun! Ha. We are staying in a cute little neighborhood in a green house, casa Verde. It is so hot here…I haven’t stopped sweating since we got here, but it is so worth it! We haven’t started too much ministry yet, but I like easing into things and becoming familiar with my team and surroundings first. So far we have done a park ministry where some played basketball, soccer, or frisbee. We got to play with some very precious kids too. The kids here just come right up to us and want us to play with them. Here, we are called gringos. Anyway, after the park ministry the pastor who is helping us, Pastor Roni, shared his testimony with the basketball players. He prayed and 4 people accepted Christ. ON OUR FIRST DAY OF MINISTRY!! It was so encouraging and made me remember why I came here..who cares about a little sweat?! The other ministry we were able to do was a prayer walk around the neighborhood we are in. It was sad because people here are very poor, but they are also very happy and thankful for the most part. People are very friendly and say “Hola!” on the street. I will miss that back in America. Besides thise 2 ministry experiences, we have had a team challenge, scavenger ohunt, shared testimonies, had worship, went to the market, played mafia, and ate popsicles. I am having so much fun and my team is great. I feel like we have known each other much longer than a week. I am so thankful for this God-given community we have. God had blessed me so much on this trip so far. He has showed me how blessed I am to live somewhere safe in America with a family and friends who love me. Also, I feel so blessed to be able to do God’s work here…I still can’t believe He wants me to do this…I’m so grateful He would think to use me. I am excited to experience church here tomorrow and also to start doing more ministry next week.

“For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” -1 Corinthians 4:17

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