• 4.6stars
    (35 reviews)


“April was encouraging, supportive, hands-on, patient, kind, and flexible. I appreciated the wealth of missions experience she brought into the week.”

Where are you from?

Arlington, Texas

What’s one word that describes you?


What are some of your favorite hobbies?

I enjoy blogging, taking nature walks, collecting bibles, and meeting new friends!

Where have you traveled for short-term missions?

I’ve served in Mexico, the Caribbean, Texas, Appalachia, Louisiana, Illinois, and Missouri.

How has your life changed because of missions?

My first short-term trip to Mexico changed the trajectory of my life. Missions pushed me out of my comfort and into an adventure with Jesus!


I’ve met some amazing young people on the trips that I’ve facilitated with AIM. One young man from Derby, Kansas on a mission trip at Encounter Cove in Roach, Missouri especially stood out. My first conversation with him involved him needing a pencil. He used it to twirl and told me it calmed his anxieties. He was a hard worker at the many laborious tasks that he was given. However, when he had the opportunity to work with young boys as a mentor and supervisor, he found his passion. He was transformed. He was in his element, and the boys loved him. He became bolder and stepped out of his comfort zone and instructed and prayed with the boys. I saw him blossom and grow and I never saw him twirling that pencil again. In fact, by the end of the trip he was talking about entering the ministry. I thought he would make a great teacher. A leader, had emerged, and I was so proud of him.