If you’ve supported a participant on one of our mission trips, you might not know much about us as an organization, beyond their trip experience. Every year we compile this report as part of our effort to be transparent and accountable to you, the people who make it possible for us as an organization to say yes to God’s call.
Your generosity makes a difference as we seek to change lives for eternity. We hope you get a glimpse of that here and that you check out the blogs and stories on our website (adventures.org). You’ll be challenged by what God is doing in the world.
Since 1989, Adventures in Missions has sent more than 100,000 missionaries to the field, asking Jesus to radically transform the lives of the ones who go and asking him to use them to bring light and hope to neglected people and areas of the world. Our missionaries might be youth or college age. We send young adults and families and parents. Churches in North America connect to local churches around the world. Our teams respond when there is a natural disaster, and so much more.
The number of our international bases is growing, where long term teams serve and equip the local believers. New options for ongoing, post-trip, discipleship, community and training are part of our goal to raise up strong leaders in the next generation.
Your participation with us makes this possible. Thank you. Enjoy seeing some of the fruit of your investment.
Seth Barnes
Executive Director
Adventures in Missions
4902 | missionaries sent |
246,310 | total days spent by participants on the field |
204 | trips |
6 | international bases |
5,800 | fed daily in Swaziland |
41,541 | financial supporters of our missionaries, staff and programs |
76 | World Race alumni enrolled in the Center for Global Action |
720 | World Race parents at events or on vision trips |
180 | office staff |
120 | natural disasters responded to with relief efforts |
38 | countries we sent trips to |
Below is a breakdown of the our total revenue for 2013 and how those costs were allocated across the ministry. Program costs include everything involved with running our trips/programs. Admin costs include everything involved with running our ministry day to day. Fundraising costs include all money spent to help staff members and programs raise the financial support that goes back into the organization.
Total Revenue:$18,555
Although the majority of our employees raise all or a portion of their own salaries, Adventures has ongoing material, administrative, and technological expenditures associated with maintaining the organization. We take great care to make sure we conduct our finances with integrity.
Fiscal transparency and accountability direct the financial actions of Adventures in Missions. We are members in good standing with the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and commission an independent auditor to conduct a thorough annual audit. In addition, our board of directors meets routinely to regulate ministry management and performance.
As an organization, we work diligently to keep expenses low. As a ministry, we see the available resources as gifts to be judiciously administered. Our desire is to make the greatest eternal impact by making resources go as far as possible.
“It is such a privilege to be able to support what God is doing around the world through Adventures. I am truly blessed to see how God uses our resources for His glory!”
“I was moved this past fall when I met with a donor who is a righteous man of God and who had provided funds at a time of greatest need with our team in Guatemala. God uses and blesses those who are not able to take a mission trip but are led to support His work through others in the mission field.”