Decades ago, we embarked on a mission to mobilize Christ followers to become disciples who make disciples. In terms of training and commissioning people to communicate the good news, we have really made tremendous progress since our founding.
Financial reporting and transparency are essential for any organization. Transparency is important for showing we are accountable to our stakeholders, donors, and investors. Our annual reports help donors review the impact of their donations and plan for the future. Thank you for your investment in Adventures in Missions
At Adventures In Missions, we take fiscal transparency very seriously and are committed to providing our supporters with accurate and up-to-date information about our finances. This includes publishing annual reviews and audited financial statements that provide a comprehensive overview of our financial activities and the impact of our work.
Our annual reviews and audited financial statements are carefully prepared to ensure that they provide accurate and reliable information about our financial performance, operations, and the impact of our work. They are an important tool for our supporters to understand the impact of their contributions and the difference we are making in the world.
We are proud of our commitment to fiscal transparency and believe that it is essential to building trust and encouraging continued support for our work.