Dear partners in ministry,
Our mission is to touch the world for Christ. We activate Christ followers to do just that. And thanks to your partnership, we have continued to do so during the pandemic.
If these last two years have shown us anything, they’ve shown us our need for God. Even our basic capacity to breathe has been put at risk. For so many of us, the world has narrowed to the four walls of the room in which we sit.
Yet we know that God has a much bigger plan for us and for the planet. Adventures in Missions connects the church to that plan. And while we have all been focused on returning to health, we have continued to walk out that plan around the world.
Our partnerships and international bases have continued to bring hope where it is most desperately needed. In many countries, basic needs like distributing food and water have been the focus of our work.
Jesus said that for those who are thirsty, our ministry is to “give them a cup of cold water in Jesus’s name.” We do so knowing that it is the liquid love that will draw people into a relationship with Him.
Now that the virus is beginning to diminish its grip on the world, our opportunities to walk people into a deeper relationship with God are great. We are so looking forward to the season of harvest ahead.
Thank you for partnering with us! Thank you for embracing the Great Commission Jesus gave us! The fields are indeed ripe unto harvest in the years to come.
Yours in partnership,
Seth Barnes
Adventures in Missions
We awaken and activate Christ-followers worldwide.
In 2021, we set out to chart a new course for missions in a world turned upside down. While the world around us has changed daily, one truth remains constant: the hope of Jesus transforms lives.
So in partnership with thousands of donors, we pressed on. We mobilized 874 people to 25 locations, bringing our total to over 132,000 in the last 32 years.
Young people are experiencing Jesus on a deeper level and stepping in to join what God is doing, both domestically and internationally. Communities are being transformed as families are strengthened and empowered. Women are rediscovering their identity and authority through Beauty for Ashes retreats. New hope is being revealed in the sustainable impact made possible by the hands of many.
Christ followers around the world are being trained to reach the nations.
522 World Racers sent to 21 locations
352 high school missionaries sent to 6 locations
56 long-term missionaries in 10+ locations
320 Swazi nationals in full-time or volunteer staff
7,000+ children fed daily at our Care Points in Eswatini
In 2021, our World Race participants served alongside our long-term strategic partners in 18 different countries this year, including Costa Rica, Guatemala, Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Turkey, Romania, Albania, Georgia, Greece, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, South Africa, Jordan, Kosovo, Ecuador, and Lesotho.
These World Racers are finishing their year-long journey with a deep desire and passion to reach people for the Kingdom of God wherever they go next. Many of them are continuing their journeys with us by leading new World Race squads and Semesters teams, or joining us at Center for Global Action (our discipleship training program).
In January 2021, Gap Year launched more than 100 Racers to the nations after 3 months of training at our headquarters in Gainesville, GA. In September, we welcomed another 100 Racers for a month of training followed by a two-week domestic outreach at Samaritan’s Purse. These Racers started their international outreach at the beginning of November. We have seen great fruit with our extended training model! Through teaching, team building, debriefing, and discipleship, Gap Racers are more equipped to serve than ever before.
212 total participants on the field
80+ homes served with disaster relief w/Samaritan’s purse
20+ homeowners gave their lives to Christ
Semesters had an incredible year and saw some amazing fruit from their ministry. Our participants have been more eager than ever, and there has been a resolve unlike we have seen before.
In Costa Rica, one squad partnered with a brand new host and were able to start a youth ministry that is still going strong today! On our 6-month Semesters team, we had the highest return rate we’ve ever had with 50% of the squad coming back to lead trips and participate in CGA. Countless others are joining other campus ministries and working to partner with organizations in the 10/40 window.
352 participants served across America (New Orleans, Rural Mississippi, Hilton Head, Chicago, Asheville, and North Carolina) plus internationally in Mexico and Colombia.
Students grew in their faith as they engaged with those in need. We helped a ministry in Colombia to serve men and women in their addiction recovery program. We gave hope and visited with the elderly as they suffered from loneliness in the wake of COVID. We fed the homeless in Chicago and New York. We served at an orphanage in North Carolina, helping to improve their quality of life.
Throughout all of this, young people in the church realized that church is more than a sunday service and faith can be an adventure.
We are seeing women’s lives transformed as they acknowledge their need for Christ in their lives and choose God! Their hopelessness is being dismantled by God’s transforming love. Our friend in India is one of many women whose lives have been transformed by Christ at a Beauty for Ashes retreat.
“I was born in a Hindu family and used to worship idols and pray to goddesses. I felt sick and had no hope. Then one day a Christian pastor visited my home and told me about Jesus and prayed for me. Before she left, she invited me to a Beauty for Ashes retreat. The invitation filled me with joy! I attended the retreat where the ladies shared the story of Jesus talking to the woman at the well. As I was listening to the story, I heard the Lord speak to me that He knew me just as he knew the woman at the well. The woman at the well left all of her sin behind and ran into town to share the gospel. I now felt the same way! I decided to leave my sin and dedicate my life to Jesus. I am so thankful and glorify God everyday, for He has changed my life.”
400+ women’s retreat attendees around the world
37 new Beauty for Ashes facilitators
57 women’s mission trip participants
Adventures in Missions Eswatini base is expanding beyond our CarePoints and individual survival care. To address the long-term whole life sustainability of the children we serve, we are working to strengthen each family involved.
Our Umdoni Campus allows us to impact communities through holistic family strengthening programs. At Umdoni, families, caregivers, and community members will find a safe, enriching learning environment to create pathways for their futures through personal growth and practical training opportunities.
80 full-time Swazi staff
200 women volunteering to cook at CarePoints
40 Swazi nationals in leadership apprenticeship program
Children are the future leaders of their country. They are best situated for success in stable families and thriving communities. The child sponsorship program in Eswatini is not only transforming the lives of children, but strengthening families and communities as opportunities for personal growth and practical skills are available to them.
Child sponsorship in Eswatini has already touched the lives of so many children. It not only provides for the child’s basic needs, it opens up a world of possibilities for them and helps them to find hope for the future. Through the discipleship program at the CarePoints, hundreds of children have come to know and follow Christ and connected to their local church to continue growing. We are thrilled to share that a number of the children who grew up in our Care Points are now young adults serving as ‘Shepherds’ at our Care Points, caring for both their young families and the children of their communities.
Sponsorship is not an end product, but a first step toward self-sustainability.
1396 child sponsorships in Eswatini
95 new sponsors in 2021
There is a movement of Christians in Guatemala with a strong passion to no longer be just a receiving nation, but a sending nation.
Adventures Guatemala established Hineni Immersion in Missions, an 18-month mission training program that allows participants to learn about missions and grow in their personal relationship with the Lord. They also have the opportunity to put into practice everything they are learning as they are learning.
In 2021, Hineni started with five students in the pioneer class. God is moving among these new missionaries-in-training and we see it as a great start, laying the foundation for a bright future.
Our missionaries in South Asia continued to work remotely in 2021, partnering with our local indigenous staff to plant churches. Our National Missionaries pioneered new ways to evangelize, conduct prayer ministry, and hold church services amidst the chaos of the pandemic. We trained new missionaries, bringing the total to 387. We continued to distribute relief packages within three different villages and dedicated 45 new church buildings.
Adventures in Missions Cambodia has a vision to see the country transformed by addressing the complex issues of poverty as well as strengthening families and communities through Biblical discipleship and teaching.
In 2021, Our Cambodia team partnered with local Christ followers to establish a long-term base as a hub to strengthen families and communities. Through discipleship and practical assistance, they are leading people toward community self-sufficiency and health. As they serve the observed needs through food distributions, home visits, English language classes and bible studies doors for the Gospel are opening and the power of God is being magnified!
As the situation in Afghanistan grew more dire in August, Adventures in Missions partnered with a trusted ministry to provide assistance & financial aid to the vulnerable Afghan persecuted church.
We raised more than $58k for our brave brothers and sisters in the persecuted church in Afghanistan, helping more than 600 people cross the border to safety.
The initial funds went to the most urgent need: helping to get families in the underground church out of Afghanistan. These families were vetted by trusted partners in Kabul and brought on a dangerous journey through Kandara, Chaman, and Quetta. For those Christians choosing to remain in the country, another partner worked to ensure access to needed resources.
Fiscal Year September 2020-2021
Displayed is a breakdown of the our total revenue for 2021 and how those costs were allocated across the ministry. Program costs include everything involved with running our trips/programs. Admin costs include everything involved with running our ministry day to day. Fundraising costs include all money spent to help staff members and programs raise the financial support that goes back into the organization.
Please note: These financial allocations are subject to change upon finalizing Adventures in Missions 2021 financial audit in February 2022. Any changes will be noted on this annual report web page.
Total Revenue:$13,878,234
Financial Supporters:16,254
32 years ago, we embarked on a journey to activate Christ followers to become disciples who make disciples. We have made significant strides in training and commissioning people to share the love of God to the ends of the earth.
Yet there are still people who do not know who Jesus is. There are still those who have not experienced the transformative power and life-giving purpose of the Kingdom of God.
Now is not the time to retreat into comfort and security. It is time to press forward and continue to innovate to meet an ever-changing world with the Gospel!
God is going to do incredible things in 2022.
Join us for the journey!