
A Forgotten Gift

1 Corinthians 2:5 
"so that faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power."

This verse hit me like a brick in the head, and could possibly be my new favorite. First of all, the more clear message of this verse is for us to rest our faith on God, and not on any wisdom made of man.
It is very easy for us as Christians to look to other, spiritually mature Christians and do the things they do, to think the way they do, to follow their lead, to rest our faith in finding comfort in them.
Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all about iron sharpening iron. But what Paul portrays throughout this chapter is that it is not right to rely on any wisdom that is of man, but to rest that faith on the wisdom from the Spirit. We are to find our salvation in God, in God alone. I need to find my salvation, my home, with God.
The next thing that caught my attention was the word that was used, Rest. I always push so hard to try and grow with God. I feel like I always have to come up with a way to grow closer. Not that it is a bad thing, but I was becoming drained and overwhelmed. I couldn't keep up.
We have had a lot of time sitting around waiting for the majority of our meetings to happen. I saw this time as an opportunity to be with God. I love diving into and meditating on God's Word. I love being able to have that communication with our Father. That has been where I feel God's presence. That is where I find home. I kept on trying so hard that I was becoming anxious. I grew restless.
I felt like God was telling me to take a step back. To relax. To rest in His presence, in His power. He was saying that He will take care of everything. That I, can simply be at rest in His presence. Worship is all the time.

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