
Announcing 2013 Epoch Awards Finalists

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Celebrating Unsung Heroes
Unsung hero n: a person who makes a substantive yet unrecognized contribution; a person whose bravery is unknown

Epoch 2013 honors the unsung heroes; the people who cross the boulevard or the world to serve where poverty, drought, HIV/AIDS, sex trafficking, homelessness, and fear reign. For these heroes, this is more than planting churches and discipling – this is life.

And we want to give them a lot of money to continue doing what they do.

This October, we're hosting presenters like Jon Acuff ("Quitter," "Stuff Christians Like"), Bob Goff ("Love Does"), and All Sons & Daughters to help us celebrate these heroes. Epoch is a red carpet, black-tie affair where we award resources totaling $50,000 to keep our winners doing what they do. The evening will offer both celebration and challenge for all of us to address universal problems in unique and meaningful ways that dignify and set people free.

From updates.adventures.org

Awards & Nominations

From updates.adventures.org

The 2013 Epoch Awards Finalists
are announced in the following videos:



Atlanta Based Hero Finalists:

Check out more info on all the awards here.