
Commiting Suicide

Committing  Suicide … 

Galatians 5:24 “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

God has been AMAZING and true this past week, from an eye opening training camp in Atlanta, Georgia, all the way to our safe landing in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He has showed up in clear and unclear, bone chilling ways.  To me, he has asked for me to crucify all of my flesh! My thoughts, my tongue/ mouth, my actions, my body, my desires, have all been dedicated back to our Savior Jesus!  I have learned quickly to walk out this crucifixion in a daily yearning and humbleness before God.  In pledging all details of my life to God, I trust that he will protect and prune me of the things that are not healthy for me or his spirit.  Because of this trust, I have experienced so much freedom and joy that it’s ridiculous, and I cannot contain myself in his love.  I just want to scream from the mountaintops of his Glory, Power, and Richness!

Fortunately, embarking upon this newfound journey will not be alone, but God has blessed me with 13 sisters in Christ who are here with me committing themselves out of obedience to God’s scripture and the Holy Spirit. These young women are all truly beautiful and uniquely crafted women who all come from diverse backgrounds but who are striving to become one for the sake of our calling in Christ Jesus.  Our common goal of glorifying God has helped us to unite and be better prepared to spread the Gospel to the people of Cambodia. 

Prayer Request: One of my teammates, Sarah Rochel from Canada, got word the day before we left for Cambodia that her Father was unexpectedly rushed to the emergency room and died in the middle of the night. God has given her peace and has strengthened her to still come on the trip. She is truly running for God and I just ask that you all support her through prayer! Her father’s name was Ray.

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