
Now that I have seen, I am responsible

     I am responsible for what I've seen: Luke 12:48 says that much is required from those to whom much is given.  We will be held accountable for what we know. 
     This week I spent some time internalizing this, remembering once again the great charge I am given in my life in general as well as how Cambodia changes my charge.
     In Luke 12, Jesus tells a parable about His second coming by relating it to the servants in their master's house being ready for his return at any moment.  Peter's then asks Jesus  who this parable is for.  He says, "This is for any faithful, sensible servant to whom the master gives the responsibility of managing his household and feeding his family."  God asks every one of His believers to manage His household: the Kingdom on earth and feed His people.  God has shown me his Kingdom, He has shown me His people, and I joyfully am responsible for it.
     Jesus clearly expresses the importance of believers caring about the Kingdom, and not the Kingdom to come but the Kingdom on earth.  He desires this to be our priority, that our passions would become His passions.  And more than that, God enables us to do the things He desires us to for the Kingdom when we ask.  He equips us with everything we need:  "The Father who already knows your needs will give you all you need from day to day if you make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.  So don't be afraid, little flock.  For it gives your Father great happiness to give you the Kingdom." – Luke 12:30-31.
    Considering the truths that we are responsible for what we know, what we see, and for managing our Father's household until He returns, here are some thoughts I have on my charge:

What have I been given by God?
   + finances
   + clothes
   + food
– health
– wisdom
– musical gifts
– the ability to be a good friend
– a loving family and fiancé
– faith, hope, and love
– grace, mercy and forgiveness

What do I know?
– People need God
– Prayer is powerful
– I am responsible for what I know and what I've seen

What have I seen in Cambodia?
– Poverty: needs of food, clothing, shelter
– Prostitution
– Needs of hope; understanding the beauty and value in each individual
– Relationships that tear down rather than build up
– Hope exists in unexpected people, circumstances, and places

My response:
God, I accept my responsibility to provide others with food, clothes, finances, health care, wisdom, music that praises you.  I accept my responsibility to be a good friend, to be a loving daughter and fiancé, to provide others with faith, hope, love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, to do something to stop prostitution, poverty, to mend broken views of relationships, to pray, and to show hope.

Experiencing Cambodia doesn't stop.  I will take what I have seen with me for the rest of my life and live with a broader perspective of the Kingdom and how to serve.

Some musical inspiration ("Albertine" by Brooke Fraser):

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