
Dirty feet

I am courageous through God. What encouraging words. Since I arrived in Atlanta, which happened to be on my birthday, I fought with God on why he wanted me to leave my family, friends, and school. I knew I was supposed to be extending the kingdom and showing people God’s love who needed to know about it, but I felt weak. Through the few days I have been at training camp I have truly connected with God on such a different level. Three people prayed over me, one person I had never met! All three peo­ple telling me that I was courageous. I don’t know about most people but to hear three different people tell me that I am courageous really shows me that God is 100% on my side. All my questioning has flown out of the window.
My team is huge. It is AWESOME. There is not one person I am not totally in love with. I can just see fire burning throughout each teammates soul for Jesus. This is also very much encouraging. How blessed am I to have 22 other Christians surrounding me that love me. I cannot wait to make memories with all of them. Laughing. Crying. Everything.
As for the small things… I have never experienced Georgia. It is hot and humid. Neither of those words excites me. Growing up in Colorado we don’t really get close to HOT. And humid is a far, far away word to describe our climate (YAY!).  Bunk beds! Lots of room for activities! The food… Lots of dairy. That’s dangerous. Being hungry really makes one set being lactose intolerant aside. Also, my feet are dirty. How would someone feel if I didn’t shower for three months?
Overall, I don’t think I could praise God anymore for the relationship I share with him and the people he has brought into my life the past few days. God is good! 

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