Our first few weeks in Phnom Penh has been pretty amazing. I love the fast pace of the big city and the change of scenery. I know God has so many great things in store for my team and I in Phnom Penh and this week I was able to get a taste of it.
This week my team and I were able to work with an organization called "Precious Women". "Precious Women" is an organization that provides young girls a way out of sex trafficking. "Precious Women" has made the effort to reach out to the women in so many ways, such as radio broadcasting, home visits, counseling, friday night ministry in local bars, and much more. The bar ministry specifically focuses on building relationships with the women so that they can rescue them out of the sex industry if they want to be free. I was able to go out Friday night with some of their volunteers. I walked into a bar and saw so many young girls around me having mini dates with men their grandfathers' age. It was probably the most heart wrenching thing I have seen. It's one thing to see it on television, but it's a totally different story in person. My group and I walked over to a table where we would be able to interact with two of the girls. I was honestly really nervous and felt totally out of my element. I thought to myself, "What am I going to have in common with one of these girls? We live in two completely different worlds in every way possible." Two of the girls came and sat at our table. Their names were Arra and Leeny. Arra happened to come and sit closest to me, so we began making small talk with each other through our translator. As we were making small talk, Arra began to open up more and more. She shared that her and her ex were going to open up a coffee shop together before things ended up not working out. I instantly knew God had a divine appointment for us to talk that night. I have always loved working with coffee, and I was actually going to open up my own shop with a name picked out and all. I was so amazed that out of so many girls that I could have ended up talking with, that night God placed her at my table. It was something that instantly bonded us together and she was able to open up and have a free night from men wanting something out of her. Arra also has a seven year old daughter and makes only about sixty dollars month, working every night. Arra loves her family more than anything and tries to send them money as much as she can. I know her paycheck isn't able to go to far, but I pray she is able to fulfill her dream and open up a coffee shop one day. Arra and I were able to bond together through laughter, conversation, and dreams we both aspire to achieve one day and it was so special.
I am so grateful God used me to share his love with her that night, and I will never forger it. God has used me in so many ways to show me his never ending love around me, but he also never fails to prove it in my own life. God did a lot in my life Friday night, but I also have to say I sacrificed for him in a HUGE way by partaking of a frog leg Arra wanted me to try. It was probably was one of the most traumatic experiences I have ever had. As I looked down at what I was about to partake of, I saw a very defined thigh, calf, and webbed toes. I never imagined I would ever try a frog leg, especially seeing it up close and personal. I can honestly call myself a dedicated missionary. Oh what we do for the cause of Christ….. 🙂