
Generational Impact: An Encouragement to Answer the Call

We’ve said it from the beginning — our desire at Adventures is to mobilize a generation, to call forth a people who love and serve the Lord and want to help build his kingdom here on earth.

It’s easy to believe the call doesn’t apply to you. You might hear stories of the incredible things happening through the participants on Adventures trips or the World Race, but you think, “I could never do something like that. God couldn’t ever use me in that way.” We’re here to tell you that’s not true.

God can use whomever he wants to do whatever he wants — you just have to say yes.

Maybe you’ve never felt called to overseas missions. You know you’re supposed to stay right where you’re at — feet planted, standing firm in the faith. That may be so, but that doesn’t exempt you from the call.

Whether you travel around the world or across town, we are all to respond — Therefore, go. Make disciples.

Spread his name to the ends of the earth. Spread his name in your town and across the globe. Spread it in your office, in villages in African, in brothels in Thailand. Shout his name until the whole world hears.

Will you answer the call? Will you march out?

Generational Impact by Alysa Sharp

Come generation, it is your time to march out!
You are here to stand your ground, the battle is about to begin.
But, you my mighty warriors are strong.
You seek me, you have a desire to find me.
A fire is within you that is burning bright and it cannot be extinguished, it can only grow brighter and mightier.
For the time is not yesterday, the time is NOW!
Now is the time to embark into the nations; all of you from every background, from every culture to march out for my name.
This is my call upon you to go and make disciples of young and old, not letting anyone pass you by.
For I have given you a boldness and the anointing to share the good news.
So come my children, will you answer my call?
Will you go out of your comforts and reach out to the lost and the hurting?
To go out to the hungry and thirsty?
To go to those next to you, to go out from your village, town, state, province, country, continent?
To go to the ends of the Earth for me?
For you I have CHOSEN!
I have chosen you since before you were born to help me bring victory to the battles people are facing.
To help bring the light of hope to the darkest parts of the world; the souls of man.
Will you go for me?
Will you put down what is holding you back and trust me?
Place your faith in me and I will guide your steps, each and every step.
For you have been PERFECTED through my love, you can OVERCOME everything you may face.
Step in faith, believe without doubt and trust with all your might and answer my call upon your life!
Listen to you hear it?
Its the sound of the call, the sound of the rams horn.


The call has been made. How will you respond?

You can answer the call today by partnering with us to mobilize this generation. Apply for a trip today or learn how you can donate to our ministry.

Photo Credit: Brittany Vander Naald.