While in Ghana on her World Race, Adventures Staff Nicole Ricketts was asked a surprising question by a crowd of children.
It happened one night after showing the Jesus Film in northern Ghana.
My teammate, Will, gave a message after we finished the film, and we gathered to pray with whoever wanted it.
This was a very interesting moment for me. I knew God was up to big things that evening. At the same time, I felt a heavy spirit of religion over many people. By religion, I mean repetitive practices without understanding of what was truly going on. So many people were repeating the prayers after us and saying the right things, but it seemed that there were some who didn’t understand what was really going on.
While we prayed, I was surrounded by children. These kids were so precious, singing, clapping, and dancing for Jesus, but but I could tell most of them didn’t really understand what was going on.
So I prayed that God would open doors for His children to talk to Him one on one.
After the “official” prayer finished, I quickly found myself surrounded by a massive group of kids wanting to shake my hand. As I shook each hand, I looked in the eyes of each child and said, “Keep talking to Jesus, okay? Keep talking to Him when you are by yourself as well as when you are with other people.”
Many replied, “Yes, yes” but I could tell there many who still did not understand. After greeting just about everyone, it became awkwardly silent—which didn’t bother me. I seem to live for those moments. There I was, in the Ghanaian night with at least 30 kids staring at me, waiting to see what I would do next.
So I asked them, “Do you have any questions for me?”
After some giggling, one of the older girls asked quite seriously, “Yes. Can you tell us how to talk to Jesus?”
“Why yes I can!” I told them about how they can talk to Jesus like He was their best friend. They could tell Him how thankful they were for their families, their friends, and for the food they have.
I told them they could ask Him, like a Father, to provide food and water for them, and He would find a way to provide because of how much He loves them. I told them how they could even laugh with Jesus when things are funny.
Then I asked them what they could talk to Jesus about tonight, when they were alone before they went to sleep. Their excitement was priceless. God is SO faithful to His children!! I could feel the Lord smiling at their eagerness to try this “new idea” of talking to Jesus on their own.
Praise God for the awakening of the young generation of the future leaders of this country!
This summer, Adventures returns to Ghana for the first time since 2010.
This team will partner with a ministry for children who have been orphaned, abandoned, or trafficked. About half of the children at this home areas near the ocean, where they were kidnapped and trafficked into child slavery.
Ministry opportunities will include:
Kids Ministry: In the school, orphanage, or church you could lead VBS to teach, a valuable life skill like English or music, sharing the love of Christ through relationships and kids’ favorite language: fun.
Sports Ministry: Playing basketball or other sports with children and youth.
Intercession Ministry: Teams will participate in the 24-hour prayer and healing rooms the ministry runs.
Discipleship Ministry: Our partners prioritize discipling the children and youth in their care, and you will be able to participate in that. In addition, they want you to be able to use the skills and gifts God has given you – whether that’s teaching guitar, the arts, or some other skill.
You can be a part of teach the next generation to live and lead for Christ, and in doing so, help to shape a nation’s future.
Join the people of Ghana as they continue to brave the way for a better future. CLICK HERE to see how you could go to Ghana summer 2016!