
Georgia Clay

People are crazy.  During our first night in Georgia, my team walked the streets of Atlanta, hoping to strike up conversations and exchange stories with strangers.  I know it doesn't sound too spectacular, but wait.  Dragon Con, a convention for science fiction and fantasy fans nationwide, invaded Atlanta the night of September 2nd.  I saw Ironman, Captain Jacksparrow, Keith Stone (he's so smooth), and countless witches and goblins… which is why I say that people are crazy.  However, it is a good kind of crazy.  One of my teammates and I met a man named Darel (not a Dragon Con fan) who is from Ghana and moved to America with his children years ago.  Crazy, but incredible.

In terms of training camp…hmm… These last few days have prepared me as best they can for Cambodia.  On one hand, we have cold hose showers, no real bathrooms, no sinks, and this red Georgia clay is everywhere.  Now I know what all the country singers are talking about! So living conditions are fairly close to the living conditions in Cambodia; but, I feel like nothing can truly prepare me for what is waiting for my team in these next few months.  Either way, I am more than ready to get on that plane tomorrow with my ama-za-zing teammates and get started with ministry. 

If any readers are considering doing a Real Life trip sometime in the future, my advice it to do it.  For sure.  Just be prepared to dance a lot. Yes, dance.  Do it.

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