
Gotta love training camp

Training camp…. I had no idea what to expect when I first got here, but I have to say, it's been a wild ride already. It's just so amazing to see how God brought people from all over the country together to spread his word and to "raise an army of love", something that we've been talking about throughout our sessions. Even though I was nervous, I am so blessed by God to be on the team I'm on. Everyone has so many strengths and wonderful qualities that I am so excited to get to know them even more over the next two months.
Now…more about training camp. We took a survey today and one of the questions was "How memorable were the following experieces". Well, to answer the staff's question: it has been very memorable. I will never forget building shelter out of 2 tarps and 3 ropes. I won't forget the sessions we've had and learning more about my relationship with God. I won't forget the canvas we painted on, and I won't forget taking a hike with a log. And oh my goodness I won't forget the water fall at the camp, Toccoa Falls. It's beauty is amazing. Training camp. And tomorrow WE LEAVE FOR GUATEMALA!!!! And all of it will be recorded right here on this blog.

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