
Guatemalan Adventures

Yesterday we did a prayer walk, and then split up and did some house visits.  It was really good to get to invest into actual relationships with the people of our community… My group saw a woman outside washing her clothes on the pilla, and we offered to help.  She was so confused/ecstatic that we wanted to do her laundry… So, she and her daughter taught us how, and I played with the three little boys.  The house was filled with laughter the entire time… Even with the little Spanish I know, I was able to have a great time with the children.  The women were so kind and even offered us a drink as we were leaving… We asked if we could pray over them and the mother agreed, as the daughter was a bit more sheepish.  As we prayed, the daughter grabbed my hand which was outstretched towards her.  It felt good, until one girl (the daughter of the pastor we are working with here) told us that those women were witches!  She had seen some pictures and writings on their walls, that we Americans didn’t even notice.  After a great deal of deliberation we decided that they may have just been superstitious because they allowed us to pray over them… But, it’s still very interesting to realize that the darkness is indeed here, and indeed real.  Keep us in your prayers because this is a dark world and there is a great deal of witchcraft here… It’s a stronghold for many people in this area, so pray for their freedom as well!
One of the other groups had a very awesome experience that I’d like to share…  They visited a woman who had severe back problems to the point that she was unable to walk.  They prayed over her, and after they had left, they turned and saw that she had walked to the door and was waving goodbye!  The Lord has healed her!!!  Another group also brought someone to Christ yesterday!  We’ve not even been here for a week, y’all!  God’s got amazing things in store, for sure!
We also have gone to an orphanage twice so far… It only has 5 children in it at the moment because all of the “able-bodied” kids were kicked out.  The five kids there have special needs.  One girl is deaf and mute, another has similar characteristics to down syndrome, another is 15 years old and has had 2 heart attacks, and another has severe mental retardation and must be tied down to his bed at night.  These kids have no one to take care of them, except a woman who comes to feed them food (which she begs for in the market)… They sleep in the building alone, and are essentially left to fend for themselves.  I would like to put up pictures, but my camera is not with me currently.  Maybe next week I’ll add some to show you their precious faces… They need food, yes.  But, most of all, they need love.  Pray that they come to realize the love of God, through our love toward them.

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