
Happy ‘Thanks Jesus’ Day!

So, they tell me that Thanksgiving is in a couple of days. I find this very hard to believe because there is no snow on the ground…In all reality, I’m in shorts and sweating and it’s not quite 8 AM. However, that does not mean we are not in the Thanksgiving mood around here! We are bringing Thanksgiving to Guatemala this year. My awesome teammate Sarah has devised the plan of hosting Thanksgiving and we have invited many of our friends we have made while being here (There are going to be 50 (mas or menos) people there)!
                      So on that same note, I have decided to dedicate this blog to listing just some of what I am thankful for.

  1. I am thankful for my awesome leaders (and friends), Julian and Glenalyn. They have been such encouragers to me and really challenge me. Individually they have taught me so much and I’m SO blessed to have them in my life. Julian is constantly challenging me with Biblical theology and Glenalyn has taught me a lot about finding my confidence in the Lord. Praise God for awesome leaders!
  2. I am thankful for Pastor Roni. We work with him on a daily basis and he has such a heart for us. Pastor Roni is the most servant-hearted person I have ever met. He drives us everywhere we go and gives up so much of his time to serve us. Here is a typical conversation I have with Pastor: “Pastor, thank you. You’re the best.” “No, Jesus is the best.” Then I will say, “Okay. Jesus and then Pastor Roni.” And then he just agrees. =P
  3. I am thankful for our ministry at the orphanage. Here I am with two of mi amigos mejor (best friends) David (age 2) and Rudy (age 6). It is always my favorite day when we get to go visit them and love on the kids. God has taught me so much through them and it will be very hard for me to say goodbye to them.
  4.  I’m thankful for our panel van! Even though it has been very hard to pack 22+ people into the “limousine,” I’m thankful we have it, it gets us from point A to point B, and that it’s not more crowded than it already is! =D (Also, check out Jullian’s hair as compared to in picture numero uno)
  5. I’m thankful for all of God’s beauty that I have been able to see here in Guatemala. Every time I take a minute to look at the clouds, I am always astonished by how beautiful they are and how amazing God and His creation is.

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