
He Reigns.

You know that one song that talks about African plains and Asian believers? Most people who listen to Christian radio or watch inspirational slide shows about missions have heard it. Since K Love plays in my house in Bozeman and in all the Keena cars, I have had my fair share of this song.  I remember listening to it in fourth grade with a friend who was a missionary kid in Tanzania. That was eight years ago so I assure you, I know this song well. In fact, I've kinda grown numb to it.

 A lot of songs we sing in church or hear on the radio are overplayed and then we often forget why we're singing them. It becomes a habit to just sing the songs, it's muscle memory. The songs we sing can lose meaning overtime and we become numb to the rich words of some if these songs.

 Yesterday was our fourth Sunday here and the band began to play the song I was talking about earlier, He Reigns. I wasn't really excited to hear the song cause I had actually become bored and tired of the song, but I sang along loudly because I knew the words in English. As church was beginning to end, the leader played the chorus over and over again. As he played, people began to hug one another and pray for eachother. The rest of the congregation continued to quietly sing

"Todos niños cantan gloria gloria, aleyluia el Rey." 

As a group we continued to repeat this part of the song. After about the fifth time, it finally hit me. We are living out this song. 

We are all of God's children. 

We are the body of Christ.

 Together we are singing glory glory hallelujah he reigns.

 Everyone was singing in Spanish except the four Americans and that's okay. Living breathing proof that we do not worship a God of one nation.

 But a boundless, endless, limitless God.

 I can barely communicate with majority of the people in our church, but there is nothing holding us back from worshiping our God together. He hears us all. We will continue singing glory glory to our sweet precious king. 

This song is no longer dull or boring and I am no longer numb to the lyrics because I saw this song happen. I witnessed the words come to life. 

Hallelujah. He Reigns. 


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