
His Healing Power

On Tuesday, we had our morning worship time, and then were given very mysterious directions. As we read the first card, we realized that we were going to the Santo Tomas market and that the two people in my group that were fairly fluent Spanish speakers were muted from the time we left for the market to an hour after. We spent time in our groups and asked God to show us what He had in store for us. We asked for visions and pictures of people to talk to. Oddly enough, I had a picture of a woman with a meat cleaver.
            We went on our merry way to the market and ended up with a taxi driver that actually spoke English. We talked with him about his life and prayed for him and his family. Upon arriving at the market, one of my team members wanted to go back to certain stand owners that she had relationships with from visiting previously. We prayed for the first woman who actually led us around her part of the market asking us to pray for other people. We were in the market for about an hour when myself and my friend came upon a woman who was helping her mom during the day by charging people to use the bathroom in the market. My teammate and I prayed for her and turned around to see the rest of our team praying for another woman. When we joined their prayers, we learned that this woman was suffering severe stomach pain. She needed surgery but was scared. From what I could gather, she had severe intestinal problems and something wrong with her liver.
            We prayed over her and asked her how she was feeling. She said that she was still in pain but that it was better. So, we prayed again. This time, it felt different. My heart was totally in it, and I wanted to see this woman healed, dangit! After our time of prayer with her, we again asked how she was feeling. She then told us she had no pain. NO PAIN! We asked a few times to be sure, and she was sure. She had faith that God would heal her and He did. Oh, did I mention that this was the woman that I saw with a meat cleaver? Cool, right?
            We left Rosa and went on to a jewelry store to pray for another woman. Three of us went in to her store to pray for her, but I felt that I wasn’t supposed to be there. I turned around and saw my other teammates speaking with an elderly woman. While talking to her, we realized that she had severe back and shoulder pain. We prayed for her and prayed for healing. After our prayers of healing were over we asked her how she was feeling and she said her shoulder was feeling better (which she demonstrated with her range of motion test of her shoulder), but that her back was still in pain. She then revealed to us that she had cancer all in her back. We prayed for a good while that she would be healed and that God would bind up her sickness and we sang songs to God in Spanish so that Elyssia would understand them. When we lifted our heads and asked how she was, she told us that she had no pain. Absolutely no pain and that she knew that God was going to heal her in the market today. She knew that we would come into her path.
Two people, HEALED! Our God is GREAT! And when being honest about Guatemala and my time here, I was ready to go home until this moment in time occurred. I was so confused about why God had brought me here and said no to me going to Thailand. But I think that if He brought me here just to help heal those two women, I can be okay with that mission. 

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