
Just an Orphan Myself

      Left abandoned and alone in this BIG world, only looking for someone to consistently love them every day and not leave like everyone else. The feeling of just being wanted rings through their minds like a Grandfather clock every hour, constantly reminding them they no one wants them. This is only the beginning of what I can imagine these children feel that I see every Friday at the orphanage.
      Setting this precious boy back in his crib and leaving him there, screaming and crying I couldn’t help but feel like I was everyone else in his life. He clinched the sleeves of my shirt in hopes that I would pick him back up and fix the damage. I still hear him crying as I walked out the building, wishing I could just go back and reassure him that it’s all gonna to be okay. Thinking to myself I realized that being an orphan must be miserable, until I realized I was once an orphan.
      It was miserable and was nothing but complete torment in my mind when I was an orphan. Always wanting to have someone want me and to adore me. Then the most beautiful and lifesaving thing happened…. I found Jesus. He wanted me. He wanted to have me in His family. He wanted to love and adore me endlessly. What pure bliss it is having a Papa who loves me so much.
      I could relate to how this little boy felt, and I wish he could understand what I know about being an orphan. But lets be realistic here, anyone who is under the age of one can’t even understand the command of “no”, let alone how much Christ loves him. Someday though, I pray that the little boy who feels so alone right now, will feel wanted and unconditionally loved by the same Papa who loves me unconditionally. I’ve been praying for this child since I met him, not just to receive earthly parents but to receive his spiritual Papa. So now its just faith. 

James 1:27 Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this: to care for orphans and widows in their misfortune and to keep oneself unstained by the world. 

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