Last month we celebrated women in missions, and this month we’re giving it up for our guys. We’ve poured over blogs from men on the field along with those of the thankful ladies serving beside them. They’re stories of fun and freedom, challenge and compassion, honor and humility. And the lasting impression we’re left with is a man who looks like Jesus.
In this blog, Seth Barnes, the founder of Adventures in Missions, asks the question, “What are you fighting for?” and challenges us to go to battle for what matters.
Most of us have lost a lot in life.
As kids we get picked on and we lose our sense of safety. As teenagers, we get acne and lose our clear skin. As adults, we may lose our jobs or our homes or even our families. And as we get older, we lose our good looks and eventually our health.
But that’s just the beginning. Under such an onslaught, we can begin to lose our hope. We can begin to see ourselves as losers. We may lose our way in life and lose our connection to God.
And if we ever have designs on getting it back, the enemy of our souls will contend with us for it. If, for example, you’ve lost relationships with family members, it will cost you to get them back. Your fight won’t be with your fists – you’ll have to pray. You’ll have to humble yourself. You’ll have to pay a price.
Jesus tells us that the kingdom of God is costly. We have to be prepared to fight.
Traditionally men especially have had the role of protecting the family. But the problem in our modern society is that we neuter our men and ask our women to do the fighting. We turn men into couch potatoes content to watch others fight on TV.
What are you fighting for? What is your cause? What drives you? What gets you up in the morning? What makes your heart come alive? What is God calling you to spend your warrior passions on?
Your calling, your battle, must come from the Lord.
Maybe you are meant to fight for time with God. Maybe you are meant to fight for your friends. Maybe you are meant to fight for your wife. Maybe you are meant to fight for the truth of what God says about you. Whatever the calling, once you decide to step out, that yearning from deep inside your soul will come alive.
Why do we men love great battle movies? Why do we love to watch Gladiator, Braveheart, 300? Each movie speaks to the warrior inside of us. Each movie stirs our spirits to step off the sideline and into the fight. They give us a taste of the freedom living out how we were created. I don’t want to wander through life anymore. I don’t want to be passive and allow years to pass, and then look back on those years and think to myself, “Oh what could have been.”
I want to be a warrior, a fighter everyday of my life.
What are you fighting for?
What makes your heart beat and your spirit come alive? Do you dream of being the hands and feet of Jesus to the nations? Fight for it. Don’t miss these World Race routes.