
New people, New adventures, New ME

My first thought about training camp, was that it was going to be in a nice resort, we'd pack the conference center with worship. I didn't expect anything from my team. I thought we would just get along but not really be close. It might've been awkward, and since it's sometimes hard for me to open up, I thought I would be shy around them. I also thought it'd drag on just because I've been so anxious about this trip.

When I first saw the Passporters In the airport, I got so nervous, but I gained the courage to walk up. Immediately I was greeted by Karina, my leader and she was so welcoming! We talked for a while and little by little people from team Guatemala started showing up. We then took an hour bus drive to where our "resort" was located. When we arrived we were in the middle of the woods. Later they would tell us that we had to pick only 3 things from our luggage and we'd have to make a shelter and sleep outside. I was kind of confused, but I didn't question it. From that point on, my team started to bond and connect like no other. We're so close with each other and we've only known one another for 3 days. We always joke around and laugh with each other. The leaders are so real and truly love the Lord and it's encouraging. I'm not near as nervous as I was when I said goodbye to parents and hopped on a plane to a place I was unfamiliar with. I can't wait to to start this journey and see what the Lord is going to do!

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