
Every heart will see this hope we have in You

Everyday I grow to love Guatemala more and more; the people, the culture, the language, it's just beautiful. While we get to experience the great things of Guatemala we also get to experience the hurt and brokenness of Guatemala.

Last Wednesday we got to visit the special needs school, i wasn't particularly excited to go nor was i not excited. We got there and I felt like immediately there was a kid latched onto everyone in our group except me. I stood back and watched everyone play with the kids for a few minutes and that's when a joyful, tiny, 9 year old girl named Yasmine came up and hugged me. I picked her up and she wouldn't let me put her down the entire time we were there. Pastor Ronie told me that Yasmine and her sister live in the orphanage, I would never have guessed that based on the amount of joy and happiness she has. Her smile and laughter is contagious, I already love this little girl so much and am so eager to see her again this week!

This past Wednesday we went to the nursing home to talk and sing with the elderly that live there. A women started telling a few girls and myself that her friend wanted to meet us but couldn't  get out of bed because she broke her foot. We walked down to her room and where we met a sweet woman named Elvida. We talked with her about her life and found out that she used to work in the market selling desserts and clothes. We also found out that her husband died 4 years ago and the year after he died she went to the nursing home. She has no kids and no family. Elvida is catholic and attends church but she can't read so we told her that we will bring her a Spanish Bible and read it to her next week. Elvida fell and broke her foot 10 days ago, they can't operate because her heart is too weak and if she moves they fear she will dislocate her hip. She has to lay in bed all day, my heart breaks for the pain this beautiful women endures every day. I painted her nails and we prayed over her before saying goodbye. In 20 days she will go to the hospital to find out if her foot is getting better, please be praying for Elvida!

The garbage dump. I have never experienced anything like this. over 50 families work in the dump every day collecting plastic to sell so that their families can eat. We talked and prayed with a women this week who has the cutest little boys. After talking to her for a few minutes we asked her if she was married, she told us that she was a widow. Her husband died in a car accident and she shared with us that life has been very hard for her and her boys since he died. She and her 2 young boys now work in the dump every day so that they can survive. I'm not really sure how to describe the dump, it never gets easier going there.

I could go on and on about all the people we've encountered and the places we've gone. I don't know how to exactly describe what God is doing here but He truly is bringing renewal and restoration to this country and the people here. 

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