I have always had a good relationship with my dad, but I had been holding things back from him. Something we forget is that our God is our Father. A Father that loves us no matter how many times we mess up, a Father whose yes is yes and no is no, a Father that will lead us to walk as His Son walked.
I picture a 5 year old putting on his Dad's shoes, there is no way he can fill them, but the child's imagination fills the Dad's shoes anyway. God knows that His shoes are way too big to fill, but He had a Son that filled those shoes for us.
Now, all we need to do is lace up the shoes of Christ and walk with Him the way He walked. We may trip, get dirty, or have no idea where we are going, but that is when our Father will show us and take us places we would have never imagined. Child of God let your Father renew your imagination for Him, for His way is immeasurably better than ours.
with love,
Graham Snuggs