
Prayer on a Mission Trip: Asking the Lord in Philly

We have a practice that is unique to our ministry called listening prayer. In our training, we teach you how to listen to God and respond to what he is saying. This is more challenging for some than others, but the bottom line is that we believe God wants to communicate with us and that most of us could make more room in our lives to listen.
Usually on your typical AIM mission trip, you will have at least one opportunity to do an “Ask the Lord” (ATL) exercise. This is basically a more focused time of listening prayer, in which your ministry team asks God what type of ministry to do for the day. We intentionally leave room in your schedule for God to move, so this is a un-programmed part of the trip. Some of our best mission trip stories come out of these times of asking, listening, and obeying.
Below is a video from last summer of one team doing an ATL in Philadelphia, sharing what the experience was like.

For more stories and articles on listening prayer, read our executive director’s blog: Radical Living in a Comfortable World.

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