
Sometimes I Hate Meeting People

There is a thing I am entertaining about God.  It involves him giving me the challenge to do things I hate.  Then he sits back and smiles in knowing mirth when I grudgingly admit "I actually like this… I think I may end up loving it."
Of course I say it under my breath, which makes a Father really laugh.

I grow nervous approaching people for the first time.  I suspect most people get a bit fidgety at first contact with an unknown soul.  For some of us it has been, or still is, a crippling thing at times.  The fear of being rejected can shut us down. 
That is how I used to live, really with no clue that I was doing so.  But I am grudgingly admitting that I love the challenge.  I find myself looking for it because I am looking for the same Spirit (or the potential for it) in others that has begun to revolutionize my own heart and worldview
There is a story behind this.  I’ll tell it to you later. 
In the mean time, lets not avoid a relationship (namely with a willing Father) because we don’t think we have anything to offer.  Lets pursue it because of the value the other person has.  You will learn lifetimes of wisdom from engaging in another life besides your own. 

Peace an Blessins from the Guat

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