
Things I have done in Guatemala:

  • Washed my clothes using a pila (multi-purpose sink). There are few things more satisfying than washing your own clothes by hand using a bucket and a bar of soap.
  • Taught a hula to a group of girls on my team. It was such a cool experience to share this aspect of my culture with my friends! Especially because in many churches in Guatemala, dancing is considered a sin. I felt like our hula was alive with the aloha of the islands which I have come to know and love and really served as a testament to the beauty of this form of worship. The girls I taught were such good sports and very quick learners!
  • Eaten at McDonald’s…and liked it. Believe it or not, McDonald’s in Guatemala is significantly better than in the States. I got an Egg McMuffin and almost cried out of joy.
  • Seen the Gulf of Mexico. I hadn’t seen the ocean since Christmas break and it felt like I was greeting an old friend. (However, the water was too dirty to swim in since people frequently dispose of their trash in the rivers.)
  • Gotten attacked by little boys. This is actually exactly what it sounds like. We went to a park to play with some of the neighborhood kids and sports teams, and we ended up having a game of ultimate frisbee with a group of young seven-year-old kids that seriously thought tall, white American girls were trees. They climbed up on us like monkeys and swung back and forth from the tops of our shoulders trying to throw the frisbee to each other.
  • Gotten honked at more times than I can count. I don’t know if a wider group of people has been more aware of my existence.
  • Showered in the rain! Actually in the runoff from the roof, which created a perfect “waterfall” to wash hair underneath! It was definitely a highlight when it suddenly started downpouring and the entire team ran out under the rain. It was also the first time I had been legitimately cold since I’ve gotten here.

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