"Where do I go from here?" a question haunting me for the past three weeks as we come to a close here in Guatemala. Do I go to school? Do I go back to playing ball again? Do I stay home? Work, and save up for another trip? The possibilities are endless. Here's what I really wanted to know "Where will I find the most purpose?"
In all honesty, that was all spurred by fear. Fear of not having purpose. Of me being a nobody. I want to be somebody, we all do. I want to feel like I'm a part of something. Something bigger than myself.
Something that I have learned on this trip is that a lot of the time, while doing ministry, there isn't necessarily a 'set purpose,' at least not as the world might see it. Every time it's simply about bringing the Kingdom of God. For people to meet Jesus Christ our Savior. To be in the presence of God.
It has been challenging in situations where we don't have opportunity to build relationships for me to see purpose. Now looking back at those situations, that's when God has shown so much to me. Quite frankly, it all comes down to God's Kingdom. That was our purpose. That is our purpose.
Being a part of God's purpose is the greatest purpose we can have. I think it's easy for us to forget that. We get caught up in our own new identity rather than the identity of Christ who lives in us.
It doesn't matter where I am or what I'm doing. I could be living a life full of purpose in the world and still not have life. My purpose, my worth, my life does not come from what I do. 2 Timothy 1:9 states that we are called to a holy life, but not by the things I do, but of his own purpose and grace. A purpose for eternity. Finding a way to live without my own purpose to live for the Greatest Purpose.