It all started one day at the orphanage when I was left alone in a room with one of the nurses, Angelina. Being the extravert that I am I couldn’t stay silent long and attempted to start a conversation in my very broken Spanish. Within 5 minutes we were both very confused, and Brent came and saved the day with his perfect translation skills!
I have been desperate to maintain some traditional Guatemalan recipes, so Brent asked Angelina if she would be willing to write down her favorite one for me. She did and I looked at it…very, very confused. The directions and ingredients were all in Spanish and not foods we use in the States. Realizing that I was confused, she immediately offered her home onthe coming Saturday to teach me how to make it.
On Saturday I could barely maintain my excitement.
I was going into a Guatemalan home,
with a beautiful Guatemalan family,
to eat amazing Guatemalan food.
Although the journey walking there was an experience and the only directions we got was “Go to the fútbol field and ask the fruit lady where I live,” we finally made it!
I don’t know what I was expecting, but definitely not what I got. I walked into a home that had dirt floors, no running water, and bamboo walls. They only had a miniature gas stove and one room and so many precious children. In the States people never would have invited us over, but here she was so happy that we had come and her arms were open wide.
We made the dish Pepian and WOW. It was so good. We literally scraped our plates. Afterwards a huge rainstorm came through and weall huddled in the tiny, warm home. We laughed and sang and hugged and kissed and loved. It was home.
The way Angelina and her mother loved me was a way that few people ever have before in my life. Since my mom’s death I’ve constantly written in my journal or begged God to answer, “Where is my heart?” because since she has been gone I have felt so empty.
But now, my heart is so full.
After going back to visit them again today I saw that the feeling was mutual. When I told Angelina’s mother that I would be back soon, her response was “I will be waiting with open arms.” As we cried, exchanged phone numbers and addresses, and hugged for the last time I felt a part of my heart leave me that will forever belong to Guatemala.
**I want to give a shout out to my dad who provided all of the food and didn’t even hesitate when I asked him to pay for it. I don’t know why I got blessed withthe dad I did, but I will forever be thankful for this experience.