
What if His people prayed?

What if His people prayed?
What if the armies of the Lord
Picked up and dusted off their swords
vowed to set the captive free
and not let Satan have one more
What if the church for heaven’s sake
Finally stepped up to the plate
Took a stand upon God’s promise
and stormed Hell’s rusty gates
This song by Casting Crowns has been on my mind since we arrived in Guatemala on Wednesday. Our team is praying.
We are praying for HUGE things! We are boldly proclaiming that God is going to move and take down strong holds in Guatemala.
And God is already working.
Since we arrived we have spent hours praying. Praying for our ministry contacts, praying over our house, praying for the orphanage, hospitals, street ministry, and elderly home we will work with and praying over each other.
Yesterday, we spent the morning prayer-walking through the streets of our neighborhood. We prayed that God would heal broken families, rid the area of witchcraft and of drugs. Then in the afternoon we went in small groups going door to door talking and praying with our neighbors, and God worked. Get ready to have your mind blown!
One house we went to, a young woman greeted us and invited us into her house. When we came in, we also met an 80 year old lady. Through our conversation, we learned that the older lady could not walk because of her spine. One of my teammates turned to me and said that she felt we should pray for her back, I agreed as I had been thinking the same thing.  We all began to pray boldly. Once we finished, we gave them hugs and said our goodbyes. As we walked away, our ministry contact (who speaks limited English) said “walking, walking!” We were confused, thinking ‘yeah, we are walking’. But she persisted and we turned to the house to see the older lady walking to the door and waving goodbye to us!!!!! Our minds were absolutely blown….God just healed her! I hope your mind just got blown as well!!!
And this was within our first 45 minutes!
A little later we were walking by another house and saw a young woman hanging laundry. We almost passed by, but one of my teammates insisted that we stop. We proceeded to begin a very awkward and halting conversation (due to our limited Spanish). Somehow we managed to introduce ourselves and ask if we could pray for her. She asked that we pray for peace in her family. The pastor with her proceeded to explain to her that Jesus is our peace and shared the gospel. Finally he turned to us and said, quite nonchalantly “she wants to accept Jesus”. We were stunned and excited as they prayed. We then all prayed over her and her family.  At the end, we continued to talk and she asked “Why would you pray for me?” Our contact explained and at the end the young woman explained that she was having problems with her husband, but as she/we prayed, she felt the weight lifted off her shoulders and peace surround her. God moved!
God is working in big ways and it is only day 2!
We are praying for some HUGE THINGS and we are expecting to see answers.

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