
World Race at Catalyst 2011 [Video]

We’ve mobilized over 1,000 young adults to the mission field via the World Race; Brandon Boyd was one of them. He just happened to launch his World Race six months ago in front of thousands of people. At the previous Catalyst Conference, which is held annually to raise up next generation leaders in the church, we also had the opportunity to facilitate an experiential exhibit on social justice and the gospel.
Brandon’s in the middle of his sixth month of the Race, over halfway through. We believe that before we can change the world, we ourselves must be transformed. The World Race is a journey that teaches, among other things, how to follow Jesus radically; it is just the beginning of leading the advancement of God’s kingdom. Click here to apply and learn more.
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  • On Twitter: What do @catalystleader & @theworldrace have in common? Both want you to start leading & living radically: http://youtu.be/g8qup7vrd_4
  • On Facebook: What do a conference for next generation leaders and a missions trip to 11 countries in 11 months share in common? Both want you to spark change. http://youtu.be/g8qup7vrd_4