
High School Missions | Have an Awesome Summer (Video)

Ten Steps to An Awesome Summer:

  1. Get off the couch.
  2. Turn off the TV.
  3. Avoid the mall.
  4. Text “brag” to 69302 / visit us online.
  5. Ask God.
  6. Get for your parents’ permission.
  7. Apply for a trip.
  8. Tell yer friends about us on Facebook and get them to go with you (’cause sharing is caring, ya heard?).
  9. Get on the plane.
  10. Be alive, represent Jesus, have fun.


is our summer missions program for high school students; we send 14-18 year olds abroad to serve for 2-4 weeks.
And maybe this is the first you’ve heard of us but that’s okay.
Here’s our number: 800.881.2461. It’s not so crazy. Just call us maybe.

And have yourselves an awesome summer.