Drew D.

Adventures In Missions is an organization that is seeking how to best partner with God’s mission of reaching the world with the Gospel of Christ. They offer opportunities for both long and short term engagements, and seek to do both sustainably and responsibly. To do this, they rely heavily on local ministries, churches, and partners to direct participants to the greatest need, where they might also be effective. While there is a large focus on global missions, there is also a great importance placed on discipleship. In the Great Commission, Jesus told His disciples to go and make more disciples, not just converts. Adventures In Missions takes this seriously and seeks to do both well, the going and the making. My observation is that they haven’t always been perfect, but I have seen great humility when things have been pointed out that could be improved upon. I have great trust for the leadership I have seen in AIM and would feel comfortable entrusting anyone I know to serve under the umbrella of anything that Adventures In Missions offers. My own experiences with the World Race taught me so much about God, His mission, and His church, and I know that the stewardship of Adventures In Missions with what they have been given played a large role in that. I have high regard for this organization.