
Creepy Crawlers and Training Camp

Can I just say one thing? 
The bugs in Georgia? No thank you.
They are large and in charge. Wasps nests in the showers, spiders dropping down during worship, and the various winged ones flying every which way. Besides the pests, training camp has been such a blessing. Spending four days in Gainsville's woods was such a necessary time just to meet the team and prepare our hearts. Besides all the brilliant speakers we heard and tasty food we ate, there were a few activities. One that stood out for me was the surrender hike.
Before the hike started we all wrote on pieces of paper what we needed to surrender to God. For some this included guilt, worries, stresses, anything that was burdening them. We then tied the paper to a log and went one by one on a trail through the woodsy hills. I was paying attention mostly to my foot placements but the few times I looked up there were always spiders or grasshoppers closer to me than comfort. I started the hike cradling my log like a baby; half way through it began to change. I'd put it in front of me, like a shield. At the clearing of the trees I looked down to find my hand gripping the log so hard almost to turn my fingers white. The fear of spiders made me realize where my heart was and what I was actually holding onto most in my life. At the end of this hike I was so ready to relieve this tension, to let go of my fears, to surrender and trust in God. And it felt so good, too. So now I say to you surrender what YOU are keeping inside. God wants your struggles. Wants you to be free.

So let hope rise and darkness tremble in Your holy light.

Now for some shout outs: Mandy Kelly, happy birthday! I hope you had a marvelous time and enjoy your 20's!!!  Jessica Kuelz, I hope you've started packing as move in day is in three days! And I wish you the best of luck as you start college.


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