Today, I've felt like I'm in the middle of a really deep, really big river, about to go over a waterfall. Without a life jacket on.
I made a mistake yesterday. Not just a simple "oops, brush it off" mistake. A Big, Scary, Team Changing, Cultural mistake. And in the aftermath, I find myself in a mix of emotions.
But then, while I was having my little pity party, God brought to my attention two things.
1. If there ever was a river, and if I was flailing around in it, my teammates would be standing on both sides, throwing life jackets and jumping in after me. Because we are a team. And if we go down that waterfall, it's sure to be an adventure. That is the grace of God that they have shown.
2. God will use this experience to His own purpose. Because I SERVE an all powerful God. He does not depend on the willfulness of His children or their choices. He will open new doors to better opportunites of His choosing, not ours. He does not follow our decisions. We Follow His.
And so through this whole trial, God still thrives. He will never change His mind about us. He still forgives, because Jesus pleads our case every day. He loves us, He forgives us, He makes us beautiful in Him. And He always will.