I have been in Guatemala for a week and a half now and let me just say it is not what I expected. I always plan for the worst case scenario. With that being said, the worst case scenario for Rachel Short would be…camping. Living on dirt grounds, and eating animals over an open fire. I have been pleasantly surprised. I feel like a million bucks here in Guatemala. I feel so blessed that God sent me to this beautiful country, I could be so many other places. I didn't realize that I had expectations coming in, but clearly I did. I thought I would be wearing my Keen sandals everyday, but nope! I am wearing flip flops because I can walk in them on the cobblestone roads every day! Now, out of the ten days I have been here, I have tripped eight out of those ten days walking to The Wall, and my ankle is the size of a tennis ball! What is The Wall you ask? The wall is where I have spent lots of my time in Panajachel. Each day I stand at the bottom of a big dirt hill, as my macho guy team members scrape and chuck away mud onto my face. This process happens so that we will be able to build a concrete wall to prevent mud from collapsing onto a families home. As the dirt is falling on me, I then with the help of my faithful teammate Alaina, shovel the dirt into buckets and then those buckets are pulled back up the dirt mountain.
This experience has taught me to be persistent. To be positive even when my expectations were not met. Teamwork is the only way this project is possible. As we work together, we find joy in the little things, we can encourage one another and serve the family, as well as the Lord. I am so blessed to serve a faithful Father!
Thanks for all your prayers, and to my wonderful leaders! Rachel, I could not do it without you! And Don, you are macho like a cheetah!
And I say… ADIOS!
Rachel Short